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Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause

Fall means the changing of seasons and the return of some of our favorite fall events! Couture for a Cure is back for its 18th year, bringing together fashion, fun and philanthropy in support of Van Andel Institute’s mission. The post Celebrate fashion while giving back to a good cause appeared first on Amway Global.

33 rok

Drazí přátelé a obchodní partneři, Dnes je pro mě velmi speciálním dnem, protože slavíme úžasné výročí – 33 let úspěšné spolupráce s firmou, která sleduje mimořádnou filozofii: „Umocňuj ostatní, aby dosáhli úspěchu, a tím dosáhneš úspěchu i ty sám.“ Během této dlouhé doby jsme společně zažili mnoho vrcholů a údolí, a jsem vděčný za každou zkušenost, kterou jsme společně získali. Je něco...